this is the last day of puter art graphics :,( how am i gonna write to you in the afternoon now, I can’t :( I’ll have to post durring my period 1 study hall next semester. Midterms start tomorrow. I have pre-calc and then, da da da da, the dreaded english. I am so not looking forward to that, der, what does lament mean again? No multiple choice on vocab, how evil is that. Anyone wanna help me cheat, lol. You can call me on my cell phone with the ansers, but i think they’d notice… ok, plan B, lol. Nah, I’ll probably atleast get like an 80 something…
I had a dream last night that Basil killed Blink 182. I really have to stop doing english, that’s just sad.
But like seriously, next semester I have study hall, study hall, lunch on F days. I’m gonna be bored outta my scull!
The dogs were so cute yesterday. It snowed, they were outside and I was watching them through the window. All of a sudden they froze and they just stood there and stared at eachother for like 30 seconds, and then all of a sudden Princes goes and chaces after Buffy and Buffy runs it was so cute, they were playing all nice together. But then princess fell and took a nose dive into the snow. Aw, and Buffy still wanted to play so she grabs her collar which of course mad Princess scared, so she wanted to come it. They’re so cute though :)

Last Day of Computer Art Graphics

7 Responses

  1. Flashback! The dogs really do sound cute. :B

    Lament is such a lovely word! :’) I don’t think I could ever forget its meaning. I loved English in high school, but I had a few crappy teachers.

    Ten years ago I would have been 10 and a half. Holy heck! I would have just started playing Neopets. :P

  2. Hahah I haven’t been blogging for ten years, so I can’t do this, but if I had, I totally would! It’s like a time machine! LOL!

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